Calm or storm! —staying calm…

A dead fish is taken wherever the flow takes her but a live fish has a choice to swim against the current and make her own way.

The ducks look calm on the surface as If they are effortlessly floating but underneath they are making constant movement.

The two often cited quotes have started the thought-churning machine in my brain to seek the possibility to transform old ideas into new form.

The first question arises in my mind: what is calm- are the ducks calm because they look or pretend to be calm? Is calmness all about presenting? Is the dead fish calm who is still being floated around? Is the live fish swimming against the current disruptive? The answers to these questions are dependent on the context of situation and perspective of beholder as well as beseecher.

Optimum nervousness or anxiety to get things done is human and that’s perfectly normal. Getting aroused against unjust behavior and responding in an edgy manner may not be perceived appropriate by some but if that’s the right thing to do then one should not worry about the opinion of others. No good change was brought about by sitting idle and waiting for a magic to happen! God helps those who help themselves. Miracles happen only when one is ready for them.

That’s why the flutter of a tiny butterfly can bring about storm—! The butterfly is not disturbing calm, it’s doing what’s needed to be done just like those ducks or the fish who decided to swim against the current to reach its destination. They all are calm because they are being themselves.


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