The wish of a flower: miracles of life!

The flowers at the front office were about to wither…the dentist-friend-turned-employer asked me to throw them away. I thought they could have lasted another day but, I still tossed those as per her wish and kept the vase back near sink. Oops! I forgot to flush the toilet where I threw the water. Thank goodness! She reminded me to clean the table off the petals. 

This incident took me back 2.5 decades— my mother was hospitalized due to a life threatening road traffic accident—a major event in our lives. I still remember it vividly…

At that tender impressionable age, my dentist (who later became my father in law) asked me to show courage, be brave! He told me that such situations bring out the the strength out of the weakest of the people. He asked me to relieve my father’s stress and burden by showing up to the challenges and taking up responsibility at home. He asked me to go to the hospital with a smile on my lips and flowers in my hand!

…and literally the very next day, I took flowers for my mom. To my utter disappointment, the surgical unit, the hospital staff and my doctor-dad —all asked me to keep the bouquet out of her room for potential infective agents and microorganisms—germs, allergen and possibility of inviting other insects! I was very upset: my very chance to reveal my inner strength, rise up to the occasion with enthusiasm was taken away from me. I said nothing and put the flowers in a vase in the reception area in a somber mood.

That night, my father found some time — my mother was getting stable vitals. He gently told me that many-a-times in life, our kind gestures, our small helpful acts do not get noticed or get perceived as acts of immaturity or even worse. He further assured that these setbacks should not derail us from being kind or nice. He expressed that he was grateful that despite his lack of time or ability to pay attention towards me or my studies, I was holding the fort and being a good child. He was happy that I was trying to contribute whichever way I could. It was a miracle that my mom recovered from that fatal accident and I passed my exam with flying colors.

To this day, if I am still looking at the bright side of the things and hoping that this too shall pass, I owe this courage, this positivity to both my fathers—one biological and one in-law! Though philosophically very different, they have shown me how to continue be optimistic through difficulties and adversities by their actions and/or their words.  

Having been fortunate enough to be selected to serve Indian military services after rigorous physical and mental health examination, the flower's wish is a favorite poem of mine. 

चाह नहीं, मैं सुरबाला के गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ,

चाह नहीं प्रेमी-माला में बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ,

चाह नहीं सम्राटों के शव पर हे हरि डाला जाऊँ,

चाह नहीं देवों के सिर पर चढूँ भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ,

मुझे तोड़ लेना बनमाली, उस पथ पर देना तुम फेंक!

मातृ-भूमि पर शीश- चढ़ाने, जिस पथ पर जावें वीर अनेक!


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